Mowser Mashup - Instant Mobile Website
We just pushed out a cool feature at Mowser today called Mowser Shortcuts, combined with a cool Twitter mashup. The site ( already dealt with one of the most painful parts of websurfing on a phone (sites not formatting properly), but now it helps with the problem of long URLs on a phone.
Here's an example:
1) When I take the train into work, one of the sites I visit on my phone is , a forum about a local morning sports radio talk show.
The site is pretty rough on my phone, though. There's a lot of <table><tr><td> formatting and the page is around 75-80kb.
2) Passing it though Mowser removes much makes it cleaner and chops it up to make it easier to view on the phone.
3) That's a long url, though, and if I wanted to SMS that to one of my co-workers riding the train in from Dublin, it's unlikely to happen. This is where the
TinyURL-like Mowser Shortcut can be created: <=>
(plus, you can also submit it directly to your twitter status :)
Posted on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 17:27 by Seni Sangrujee (1526 day(s) old)